
The Emphasys Centre, was established in 1998, and operates as an Education, ICT Training Centre, Research and Software Development Centre approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth. It is organized in 4 inter-related departments:

  • The Education Department which offers validated and accredited IT courses, as well as Career Counseling Services.
  • The ICT Training Department which includes two highly equipped units: (a) the STEAM Unit which offers courses to young people combining Robotics, 3D Design and Printing, as well as Coding through Video Game guided with ‘Lego Education Trainer’ instructors, and (b) EU Training Unit which provides wide selection of Erasmus+ KA1 Learning Mobility Courses for EU professionals and citizens.
  • The Research Department that works with several organizations on EU projects under a number of funds (e.g. Erasmus, AMIF, AAL, Justice)
  • The Software Development Department which is involved in the design, development, pilot-testing and evaluation of various e-learning tools, games, mobile apps, platforms, websites, applications and assessment portals etc.


Emphasys is an active member of many networks such as the European Digital Learning Network (DLEARN), CONNECT INTERNATIONAL and CRES – Centre for Research and European Studies – Future Business.

Contact information


Director: Athos Charalambides

Official email:


Legal Name: A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd

Contact Info

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. “Micro community cooperative school” project number: Agreement № 22PCE0007 / 2022-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000086930

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