
HELLOBUCOVINA TRAVEL&TOURS is a travel agency and VET &adult tourism training center, founded in Suceava, Romania in 2006. Our staff is highly experienced in cultural heritage product development and implementation, in education for the tourism sector, by developing content for different training courses provided by our partners and ourselves, planning and promotion strategies for destination management organization, conferences, etc.  
Our center is specialized in providing training on Tourism Guide Qualification, digital tourism tools for development and promotion, social innovation and circular economy in rural services, production value-chain and entrepreneurship and in implementing sustainable rural tourism, including ecological, healthy food and recreation, recreational tourism. We develop and contribute to SMART Village Strategies for Rural Tourism Development.
We have organized summer camps in rural areas for more than 400 school students on different topics: start-up your tourism skills; tourism guidance – local guides in your village and experiential gastronomy tourism workshops
Hellobucovina has gained experience in research for digital competences framework and ECVET Model elaboration and from March 2021 it has signed a financing contract for developing an urban tourism infrastructure for enhancing the local community and preservation of the immaterial cultural heritage.
Taking the time to understand and taking the time to learn as much as possible about the North-East region of Romania, its traditions, history and heritage, as travel agency we have led more than 10,000 tourists to the places we identify ourselves with. As putting together tours is not a mere job for us, it is something that happens naturally due to our inborn interest in our birthplace. Our tours cater to all preferences, budgets and tastes, and we have worked with them all, from the weary backpacker getting off the train after a night’s ride and all the way to the government delegation landing in Suceava on a charter flight.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily
reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. “Micro community cooperative school” project number: Agreement № 22PCE0007 / 2022-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000086930

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